The Simon Spiess Quartet has reformed and play the Clarence Jazz Club on Saturday, March 8.
While the members of the quartet have not played together with this formation for a long time, they have a strong musical bond with each other. This closeness gives their sound an organic solidity that lasts and moves until the last note.
Malcolm Braff shines on the piano with an expressive touch, sometimes bluesier, and inspires with his percussive and pulsating way of caressing and breaking the melody. The solos of saxophonist Simon Spiess shine with unfathomable sensitivity and creative power. Bänz Oester impresses with his clearly emphasised bass lines and his melodic and lyrical solos, which fit perfectly into the sound structure of the band and yet stand out for their uniqueness. While drummer Samuel Dühsler subtly underlines the vibrant and cheerful rhythms with brushes and light pulses on the cymbals, providing the necessary structure.
Spiess’s warm, soulful saxophone and innovative sound design create a mesmerising mix of jazz, electronica, and global textures. Known for dynamic performances, the Quartet grooves hard and paints vivid soundscapes, making every unique. Seeing a Simon Spiess-led band live is to witness a Swiss jazz giant that’s both accessible and avant guard.
The Simon Spiess Quartet plays Clarence Jazz Club in Torremolinos on Saturday, March 8, at 10pm. Tickets are available from the Clarence website at clarencejazzclub.com and cost between €20 and €25.
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