Apple’s AirPods Pro 2 come with an easy-to-use hearing aid featureCredit:X:@BrandonButch
Apple’s latest AirPods Pro 2 now include a groundbreaking hearing aid feature, offering a new, accessible solution for people with hearing loss, easily set up with just an iPhone or iPad.
Apple may have just created an innovative new product, which is set to help people with hearing loss. The latest AirPods Pro 2 models come with a hearing aid feature and only require an iphone or ipad to set it up. A new software update released this week, revealed the exciting news, which may comes as a breath of fresh air to those suffering from hearing difficulties. According to the US National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, many of those with hearing impairments could benefit greatly from hearing aids but do not use them. With the latest technology pioneered by Apple, the option of hearing aids may become more appealing. The US National Institute on Deafness also confirmed that those who already have trialled hearing aids often do not continue with them due to cost, lack of comfort or simply because of aesthetic reasons.
AirPods Pro 2 could be the key for those with hearing loss
The AirPods Pro 2 initiate with built-in tests, enabling users to determine their hearing capacity and whether they do have hearing impairment or loss. Apple’s innovative technology then allows the user to adapt the device to their needs by personalising amplification levels. Despite there being other similar products on the market, the new AirPods are certainly a promising addition to the market – aesthetically appealing and popular, they could help to normalise hearing aids, encouraging more people with hearing impairments to use them. Barbara Kelley, executive director of Hearing Loss Association of America commented: “It’s just mainstream.” She added: “The ubiquity of AirPods could make people worried about the look of a hearing aid more open to using them.”
According to Apple the Hearing Test and Aid features “are expected to receive marketing authorisation from global health authorities soon, and will be available this (autumn) in more than 100 countries and regions, including the US, Germany, and Japan.” Countries hoping to market the product in Europe include Denmark, Finland, Austria, Hungary, Greece, Ireland, and Poland among others.
In response to the product launch, there has been some reservation. Elizabeth Stangl, audiologist at the University of Iowa in the US, described how unlike other hearing aids which have an extended battery life, the new AirPods as yet are not adapted to a whole day’s use. She also commented on the social message conveyed by the AirPods, suggesting that the user does not want to engage in conversation, adding perhaps to the isolation already felt by many with hearing loss.
New AirPods could help to eliminate social issues related to hearing loss
According to official figures from a June 2020 report, around 11.1 per cent of people in the European Union, Switzerland, Norway and the UK have self-reported hearing loss, according to a June 2020 report. These figures are not limited to people over 60 years, despite older people being more prone to hearing impairments. Studies have also shown interesting links between other underlying health issues including isolation, depression and cognitive decline and hearing loss, indicating that it is not only a problem encountered at mature ages. New technology such as this, aiming to facilitate life for those with hearing loss is crucial, as not only can long term non-treatment increase the risk of dementia, but also falls and feelings of loneliness and isolation – even leading to depression. As Kelley outlined: “Everything we do, all our relationships, whether it’s personal or in our work life, involve hearing conversation.” She also added: “We’re finding now that the sooner that people can pay attention to their hearing health, the better.”
Apple has reminded its consumers that even if you cannot afford the latest AirPods Pro 2, smartphones can be an excellent tool as most phone models can turn speech into text, facilitating conversations and iPhone’s “Live Listen” feature converts the phone into an amplifying microphone, elevating another person’s voice in a noisy area for example. Other apps include vibrating alerts attuned to different key sounds including a sounding alarm, a barking dog or a cooking timer.
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