Magic is coming to Mijas on February 27 for a mind-blowing show of trickery and illusion in aid of Avoi and Cudeca. Tickets are now on sale.
World champion magician Miguel Muñoz is heading the bill; he is also an actor and a circus performer. He won the 2018 FISM World Magic Grand Prize and is currently considered the best magician and illusionist in the world.
Later, Dany Danielo will take the stage with a show called ‘A Story of Magic’ , a show with music and cunning staging. With his own inimitable style, he plays on stage in such a way that the audience, regardless of age, will rolling around in laughter.
Next up is Kayto, who combines his magic with being a clown and musician. theirAnd finally the magicians Juan Garrido and Richard Granda will bring their show ‘Por Arte de Magia’ to the Mijas stage.
Juan Carmona, president of AVOI the children with cancer charity, explained that Cudeca and his organisation are twinned in the putting on of this show which has artists donating their time to perform. ‘What we are doing is a way to continue the different paediatric projects we are involved in together, so we need funds to continue. We are very grateful to the Mijas council for allowing us to have this space,’ he said.
Tickets are now on sale for the magic event at the Manuel España Theatre in Las Lagunas from entradium.com, and cost €10 each.
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