THE Region of Murcia emerges as Spain’s leading province in spice exports, contributing a remarkable 72.5 per cent to the country’s total spice exports in 2022. The region experienced a notable increase in overseas sales, witnessing a growth of over 20 per cent compared to the previous year, amounting to a staggering €304 million. This positive trend has continued into the first eight months of 2023, with a further 6.7 per cent increase in exports compared to the same period in 2022.
Global Reach of Murcian Spices
Approximately a hundred spice companies from the Region are actively participating in foreign markets, with key export destinations including the United States, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands. Pivotal to this success are best-selling spices such as pepper and paprika, Ginger, saffron, and turmeric while the remaining includes an array of spices like vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and cardamom.
La Pastora: Pioneering Innovation
Joaquín Gómez, director of the Institute for Development (Info), underlined this achievement during his visit to La Pastora, a renowned paprika company in Murcia. Established in 1945, La Pastora has not only been a trailblazer in the spice industry introducing unique products like paprika pearls, and two variants of extra virgin olive oil infused with spicy and smoky paprika. The success of companies like La Pastora exemplifies Murcia’s commitment to blending tradition with innovation on the global spice stage.
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